April 7, 2015

March 30-April 5

Walking the Winding Way
Leonie and I have been walking the Indralaya labyrinth more frequently than usual this year. Doing so seems to fit with where we are both in ourselves and in our understanding of the ways of Indralaya. Coinciding with this development has been further study and reflection upon the nature of the labyrinth itself.

I have, for example, been working with the realization that as one walks the winding way to the center, each transition in the path, from one course to another, actually compels one to turn away from the center. It is a curious thing, worth pondering, that one gets closer to the center by continuously turning away from it. Continual approach leavened by continual turning away.

Then there is the center itself. This is a place of visitation, a place where one ‘goes to see’ but not to permanently reside. One who walks the true labyrinth with persistence and a certain measure of luck eventually arrives at the center. But one can not choose to stay there and remain alive. This is, after all, the dwelling place of the Minotaur, a place of heroic testing. The path of the hero or heroine is to heed the calling of the world and return from the center with their hard won ‘pearl of great price.’ The center is not the final destination, it is a place along the way.

As one leaves the center and enters again upon the winding way, one finds oneself turning both towards and away from the center in the transitions between circuits. This alternating pattern provides opportunity to both reflect upon the experience of the center (turning towards) and to prepare oneself for the departure (turning away) from the labyrinth. Eventually one reaches the final turning away and returns again to the world that awaits.

Family Week coordinators: Lars, Sasha, Alayna, Elliott, & Ondine
(that other fellow is Desmo, he won't be attending)

Summer is Coming!
Over the weekend, I headed to Seattle to sit in on a meeting of the folks who will be leading the first family week. This year’s theme for both family weeks is ‘play’. At the week one meeting there were many good ideas being discussed. 

Registrations for summer programs are coming in steadily. Both the Deep Singing Week and Family Week Two are close to being full and are likely to be on wait list status soon. We are quite fortunate that many of our summer programs fill up one year after another. If you are giving thought to visiting Indralaya this summer, now is a good time to be making your final plans and registering for the times that you would like to be here.

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