October 8, 2012

October 1-7

cider production

Much of the week was focused on preparations for the Fall Harvest Work Party, which began on Friday and continued through Monday morning. With a crew of over 80 people expected, there was plenty to do ahead of time. The week also saw the return of maintenance staffers Thea Patten & Mike Schifsky and we began contacting program leaders and scheduling for our 2013 programs. 

pre-program set-up

a fresh batch of bread

tea time macaroons

Robin, Annabelle, and Mariana

apple prep & good conversations

The weather was splendid and the work party went well. Over 85 gallons of apple cider were produced. Installation of the exterior siding was completed on Heather cabin, more cabin wood boxes were built, the garden was tended to, kindling was chopped, trees were watered, great food came out of the kitchen, and the dock was cleaned and stored for the winter.

many hands make light work

thank you apple trees for your abundance

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