We had a mid-week visit from Shandra Augenstein. She is now in the 16th week of her pregnancy and very much a beautiful mother to be.
Friday saw the beginning of the weekend work party. Everyone reveled in the beautiful spring weather and by Saturday lunch, approximately 45 people were in camp helping with many of the final preparations for the season.
So much was happening that I neglected to take many pictures until after the work day was over!
A sure harbinger of Spring is the annual appearance of the delicate fairy slipper orchid (calypso bulbosa) in various places around the Indralaya forest. This perennial forest plant is delicately scented and was used by the Haida people in various ways. The Latin name refers to the nymph Calypso from Homer's Odyssey, and literally means 'she who conceals'.
Beautiful souls and flowers! It's remains a constant in our lives to check on the events of Indralaya each week and celebrate with you. Thank all of you for your dedication to the mystery.