September 24, 2012

September 17-23

This week the plums were all brought in and fruit processing began in earnest. With the first big harvest of plums in a few years, it felt good to fire up the fruit dryers and begin to replenish our plum stores. Two large batches of plum jam were also prepared and sealed in jam jars for later use.

Marcia gets ready to put plums in the fruit dryer

Early in the week we also learned that the pump that moves water from Tanks B&C up the hill to Tank D had run dry. Fortunately a replacement pump was on hand and ready for installation and by Thursday water was again moving up the hill, just in time for the weekend.

Water Tank C

Mack & Mary brought beautiful micro-greens for the program 

On the weekend, the long anticipated Inner Temples Inner Convocation program with R. J. Stewart and Anastacia Nutt arrived. This program has been fully registered since February and there was a lot of excitement among the 44 participants as they arrived. The program was composed of a blend of teachings and experiential practices accessing inner realms of experience. On Friday night we gathered in the Grove and welcomed the arrival of the Autumnal equinox with what might well turn out to be the last campfire of the 2012 season.

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