August 9, 2014

August 9

Those of you who follow This Week at Indralaya regularly will have noticed some irregularity in the timing of this summer’s postings. This is largely reflective of a gradual ebbing of my commitment to continuing the blog in its current format. Nothing lasts forever, and for some time I have been aware of a growing desire to explore alternative ways for representing Indralaya and expressing myself.

The original intention in beginning this blog was to provide a way for those who are connected with Indralaya to have a way to stay in touch with all that happens here from week to week. I do believe that the blog has served this purpose well in the nearly four years that it has been running. I hope that people have a fuller understanding of and appreciation for the many communities and activities that weave the fabric of Indralaya as a singular gathering place and source of inspiration.

Since it began in October 2010, there have been 178 entries posted and nearly 40,000 visits to the blog. Approximately 78% of the readership is based in the U.S and Canada, with the remaining 22% coming from all over the world.

For now, the future of the blog is uncertain. I am likely to add occasional postings and others may step in as guest bloggers from time to time. And, of course, while this aspect of the virtual Indralaya takes a break, Leonie and I look forward to seeing you here during your next visit to this magical, real, wonder-filled place.