This last weekend Indralaya's Board of Directors gathered here for their annual meeting, which, according to the by-laws of the organization, is held in the Fall of any given year. This meeting is when results for the annual election process are tabulated, additional board members are named, and officers are elected for the coming year.
The activities of Indralaya are overseen and guided by the seven member Board of Directors of The Orcas Island Foundation. The Foundation is incorporated as a non-profit 501(c)(3). It was formed during Indralaya’s second year of operation, all the way back in 1928.
In order to serve on the Board, an individual is required to have been a member of the Theosophical Society for at least one year. Eligible voters must be members of the Theosophical Society and members of the Friends of Indralaya. In most years, the Board meets five or six times.
The election process began back in April with a call for nominations. It was an unusually interesting election cycle this year as six people were nominated and agreed to stand for election. In the second round of the process, which took place over the summer, the number of nominees was narrowed to two. And, finally, at the annual meeting, the results of the final round of the election were announced.
The person elected to be the Voting Member Representative for the coming year is Crystal Mossman. Crystal was also elected as the Member’s representative three years ago and was running for her second term on the Board.
Two other board members were leaving the Board after completing their terms. John Levey has served as Treasurer for six years, and Laurie Rotecki has been on the board for the past three years. As a result, there were two additional open seats on the Board.
Kelly Bachman and Megan Barnes were named to these two seats. This will be Megan’s first time on the Board, while Kelly has served previously. Officers for the coming year were also elected at the meeting. They are Jeannie Chamberlain, Chair; Kim Erickson, Vice Chair; Crystal Mossman, Secretary; and Kelly Bachman, Treasurer.
Congratulations and THANK YOU, one and all.