This week brings with it an end to the 2011 summer program season. The program with Arun Gandhi ended last Friday. Since Saturday, Joel & Michelle Levey have been leading a “Dance of Change” workshop, offering teachings on mindful approaches to the inevitable changes that are woven into the fabric of life.
It has been a busy summer, with full programs and lots of activity. Eight programs, with average attendance in the mid-60’s. Which matches the average high temperatures that were a prominent feature of this cooler than usual summer.
Experiences have been shared, memories created. Many have expressed their deep appreciation for this place and what it provides for those who come here. New threads have been woven into the lattice work that continuously composes Indralaya and gives it sustenance as ‘an ongoing experiment in theosophical living...’
And after 44 consecutive weekly entries, it is now time for a short break.
This Week at Indralaya will resume on Monday, September 12.